Dan!'s Life


 Age: 19

 Location: Jersey City NJ/ Cheshire CT

 Likes: Comic books, video games,  skateboarding, boxing, cookies, Hot Pockets and Orange Gatorade

 Dislikes: Fake people, drugs, SPC Internet, Ethan, getting calendars for Christmas

Ya know, the problem with superheroes today is that they're cool and all when they're out saving the day, but their alter egos just plain suck. Not this one though =P Even without a green chicken and a pair of goggles I still am teh r0x0rz. If ya really want to, you can check out some of my lesser heroic yet still amazing adventures. Either that or you can contact me to lemme know that Im a friggin' geek with way too much time. 'Later Dynamo Fans! =D

E-Mail: dynamodan@danimatedcomics.com
AIM: OneDanArmy








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